Donate Through Amazon

The library has Amazon Wishlists set up for direct giving of items that can be purchased and added to the library collection

Gifts and Donations Policy

The District encourages contributions to the District and/or to the Friends of the Spanish Peaks Library. The District or the Friends may accept gifts, and the conditions thereto; or take similar action to reject such gifts based upon the conditions of such gift or grant. All gifts, when accepted, become the property of the District, and may not be reclaimed by the donor.

The Library Director will manage all development and fundraising activities with the Friends of the Spanish Peaks Library.

Gifts of Money, Books, and Non-Print Materials

The library accepts donations of recent books, recorded books, CDs, and DVDs. Donations should be clean and in good condition. We do not accept donations of old news magazines, textbooks, or encyclopedias.

The library accepts donations during operating hours. Please do not bring more items than you can carry into the library. All donations are accepted without condition, and immediately become the property of the library in their entirety. No part of the donation can be returned, including the boxes/bags they are donated in.

Some donations will be added to the collection. The same criteria for inclusion in the library’s collection apply to gifts as to purchased materials. The rest will be sold through the Friends of the Spanish Peaks Library book nook and book sales, or disposed of through recycling or donation. Donations added to the collection may be subsequently withdrawn when they are worn or when their content is no longer current.

If you need a receipt for tax purposes, the library will provide one. We cannot, however, assign a dollar value to your donation. The valuation of the book and non-print materials is the responsibility of the donor.

Gifts of Art and Tangible Assets

The Spanish Peaks Library District rarely accepts unsolicited gifts of art or other tangible assets intended to be displayed on a continuing basis in libraries. Interior and exterior spaces of library properties are limited and in most cases cannot accommodate gifts.

Patrons desiring to donate works of art or other tangible assets to the Library District should discuss the gift with the Library Director. The decision to accept the gift is the responsibility of the Library Director. Gifts accepted become the property of, and may be sold, retained or otherwise disposed of at the sole discretion of the Spanish Peaks Library District.